A lot of patients are nervous going to the dentist. Just keep in mind that with proper communication between you and Dr. Bogg, she will try her best to alleviate your fears and make you comfortable. She will give you the tools to deal with your fears and remember, you are in control. At any time during your visit, you always have to freedom to ask questions, take time to understand the procedure. During the procedure, all you have to do is raise your hand and Dr. Bogg will stop and listen to your concerns and take care of you.
There are alot of different reasons to be nervous:
- Bad prior or a childhood experience. A dental visit does not have to be associated with pain or a bad feeling these days. There are many ways to make it a nice experience and get your teeth worked on without having any pain. Dr. Bogg will discuss these issues at your initial visit before any treatment is given so you can be at ease and come in with a relaxed mind to the office.
- Fear of not having visited the dentist for a while and wondering what condition your mouth and teeth are in. But you are here now and that’s what counts. Look forward and see what Dr. Bogg can do for you.
- Noise of the drill: Dental equipment and tools have changed a lot and are constantly changing and treatment modalities are getting more comfortable everyday.
- Gagging:Some patients have a sensitive gag reflex, use of a numbing spray and other relaxation techniques will help you with this. And remember you are always in control.
Here is how we can help you. So smile, read through and ask questions if you need any answers. Remember, Dr. Bogg and her staff take their time to make you feel comfortable.
Comfort and Relaxation
The first step is to make you relaxed. From the comfortable environment in our reception area to the soothing environment we have created in our treatment areas, no detail is too small when your comfort is concerned. Our caring and professional staff is committed to creating a stress-free environment for you.
- Noise reduction headphones with a wide selection of music – bring your own favorite music if you wish
- Watch videos
- Squeeze toy
- Digital x rays
Some patients need a little more help achieving a relaxed state. We offer:
- Nitrous Oxide (“laughing gas”)
- Medication (pill form)
This is a form of sedation which is given through a mask over your nose. There is no smell. By breathing normally through the mask, it takes effect and relaxation sets in. It feels like a mild euphoria. You are carefully monitored throughout the entire procedure and the dosage is adjusted according to your needs. You will still be awake and be able to ask questions and talk to Dr. Bogg.
It is easy to use, safe, and you don’t have to bring anyone with you to drive you back home. After the procedure, you will breathe pure 100% oxygen for a little while till you feel normal. Usually patients resume their regular activities right away. It is very helpful for children and adults who are fearful of a dental visit. It also relieves pain and sensitivity, so if your teeth are sensitive, you can request it for a regular cleaning as well.
There are occasions it might not be useful. If you are claustrophobic (mask over nose) or your nose is stuffy or you cannot breathe through your nose, or you are pregnant, Dr. Bogg will discuss the alternatives for you.
If you are very nervous, a sedative can be given either by itself or in conjunction with nitrous oxide to get the anxiety down and raise the level of relaxation.
If you need more information, please ask us for a consultation so Dr. Bogg can answer your questions.
Topical Anesthetic
A topical anesthetic , a gel, can be used with a Q tip on the surface of the gum that needs to be “numbed”. This helps ease the administration of the local anesthetic. If you wish and want the topical to sit in for a longer time, please let Dr. Bogg know so we can schedule your visit accordingly.
Local Anesthetic
Modern fast-acting local anesthetics, in conjunction with effective topical anesthesia, have virtually eliminated the discomfort of “getting numb”. We also use a vibrating technique so you almost feel no pain. We also have a squeeze toy for you to hold while getting the anesthetic
Post-visit Analgesics
Generally, if there is any discomfort expected after a dental procedure, Dr. Bogg and her staff make sure they give you all the home care instructions and medications you need to stay comfortable after your visit.