Dentures | Elastics | Extractions | Fixed Appliance | Implants
Removable Appliance | Root Canal Treatment | Take Home Bleaching Kit
Temporary Crown | Scaling and Root Planning | TMJ
These instructions are to be used only on the express advice of Dr. Bogg or one of her staff members.
Wear your Dentures as much as you can, but take them off for an hour every few hours to seat your gums so they can get used to your Dentures. Gradually increase the time you wear them.
Eat soft foods at first. Gradually start to eat your regular foods.
Chew on both sides of the dentures.
If any sharp points or edges develop, come in right away so they can be adjusted. But wear them for a few hours before coming in for the adjustment.
Clean the dentures twice a day. Place the dentures on a counter or in a glass of water. Do not drop them.
It will take time to get used to the feeling of fullness. Increased salivation and difficulty in speaking are normal. It will take time to get used to Dentures. Do not get frustrated.
Take it one step at a time and be motivated
The elastics are one of the most important aspects of your orthodontic treatment. When you are wearing elastics you are actually straightening your own teeth.
They must be worn faithfully 24 hours a day (except while eating and/or brushing). Wearing elastics is a very important part of your treatment.
You should change the elastics every TWO days. If you run out, you should keep the one(s) you were wearing and call our office to send you additional elastics. PLEASE DO NOT STOP WEARING THEM.
Please wear them only as Dr. Bogg has instructed you. If you have forgotten the instructions, please call our office.
If you are wearing them on and off, you teeth will move back & forth, which will not let us proceed to the next phase of the treatment.
- Some bleeding is normal and if it occurs, you should bite on gauze for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues, wrap a wet tea bag in gauze and bite for 10 minutes. You must not keep looking at it, or put your finger on the extraction area.
- Some swelling may occur and in the event of swelling, please apply an ice pack to the cheek on the side of the extraction for five minutes on and off for approximately 30 minutes.
- During the first 24 hours after the procedure, please do not rinse or gargle. You can eat soft, cold or warm foods that are easily cleansable. You should not eat chips, pretzels or anything which can break off and get into the extraction area. You must not eat hot or spicy foods and should not drink a beverage through a straw.
- After 24 hours, gargle lightly with salt-water solution and continue that for a few days.
- If you have a stitch, you must come to our office and have it removed within a week.
- Do not smoke for 48 hours.
Most extracted teeth need to be replaced for adequate chewing and to avoid shifting of neighboring teeth. Please discuss teeth replacement options with Dr. Bogg.
Call immediately if anything unusual happens, (SUCH AS bleeding, abnormal pain etc). After business hours, there is an emergency number on our answering machine.
DENTURES You must wear your dentures as much as you possibly can, but take them off for an hour every few hours to set your gums so they can get used to your dentures. You should gradually increase the time you wear them.
If this is not the first time you are wearing dentures, please try not to change between the old and new appliance, or your gums will never get used to the new denture.
When wearing your dentures the first few times, you should opt for soft foods. You can gradually begin eating your regular foods as you become accustomed to your dentures.
You must chew on both sides of your dentures. Your teeth are now only held by plastic and not anchored to your jaw bone so if you don’t chew on both sides there will be a see-saw effect and your denture might lift up on one side while chewing.
If any sharp point or edges develop, please call our office right away, so the dentures can be adjusted. You should wear them for a few hours before coming in for any adjustments.
You should clean your dentures twice a day. Place your dentures in a glass of water on a secure and level surface. Take care not to drop your dentures.
It will take time to get used to the feeling of having a “full mouth” again. Increased salivation and difficulty in speaking are normal for a time.
Do not feel frustrated and take it one step at a time; be motivated and know that it will take time to get used to your dentures.
Fixed Appliance
It is important to keep regularly scheduled appointments at all times.
Cleanliness good oral hygiene is absolutely essential. Please be sure to follow the cleaning instructions carefully. Orthodontic appliances do not cause cavities or swollen gums, but because of their presence, food particles and dental plaque can accumulate and increase the potential for problems. Cavities, swollen gums, and white spots on your teeth can result from lack of brushing and flossing. Sugary foods and between meal snacks should be avoided.
Your appliance initially may cause you to speak differently, produce more saliva and cause some soreness. If your bracket is poking you, use the Orthodontic Wax on it (available in any pharmacy).
For the first few days, it would be a good idea to stick with soft foods such as eggs, cereals, and soups until the discomfort subsides and your mouth to gets used to the feel of your fixed appliance. You should avoid chewy meat, gum, candy, or anything hard such as crusty bread, hard candy, or ice.
Loose Appliance If your appliance becomes loose, or if a bracket comes off on any tooth, you should call our office immediately.
Implant Post-Op Instructions
Syringe with Mouthwash applied 4-5 times a day for one week.
Prescription as dispensed in the office after the procedure.
- Some bleeding is normal. Bite on gauze for 30 minutes. If bleeding doesn’t stop, wrap a wet tea bag in gauze and bite for 10 minutes.
- Some swelling may occur. Apply ice pack on and off at 5 minute intervals for 4-5 hours.
- During the first 24 hrs after the procedure, do not rinse or gargle. Eat soft, cold or warm foods that are easily cleansable. Do not eat chips, pretzels, etc. which can break off and get into the site. Do not eat hot and spicy foods. Do not drink through a straw. After 24 hours Saltwater rinses 4-5 times a day
- If you have a stitch, you will need to have it removed in our office about one week after the procedure.
- No smoking for 2 months after placement
- Specific personalized instructions given just for you.
Removable Appliance
- Your appliance is custom made for you and should be worn at all the times except while eating and brushing.
- If the appliance is not in your mouth, it must be kept it in the container provided for your appliance.
- You should brush it twice a day carefully with toothbrush and paste, then rinse it with warm water.
- When you are not wearing your appliance for a certain period of time such as, play date or sleepover, please keep it in a bowl of water.
- During the beginning stages of wearing your appliance, your mouth may feel a little sore, produce more saliva and your speech may sound different.
- If your appliance is lost or broken, you must call the office immediately.
- TURN THE KEY as instructed
- Please make every effort to keep your appointments as instructed.
Root Canal Treatment
- After a root canal procedure, you should avoid eating hard foods and eat only soft food until the crown is placed.
- Take Motrin or Tylenol administered as directed, or one tablet three times a day for two days even if you do not encounter any pain.
- Any other prescription given should be taken according to directions.
- If you develop a swelling or sharp pain, please call our office.
- A temporary soft filling may have been replaced. If so, some excess pieces may fall out. This is normal. If the entire filling falls out, you must call our office immediately.
- After root canal procedure is completed, your tooth requires a post and a crown for long-term success.
Take Home Bleaching Kit Instructions
Fill tray with enough gel to cover front surface of tooth as was demonstrated to you in our office. Use tray in your mouth for 45 minutes, 2 times per day for 2 weeks.
Wipe off gel if it gets on your gums.
Some sensitivity is normal. Do not eat anything excessively hot or cold for the duration of the two week bleaching process.
Your teeth may appear to be blotchy for the first couple of days.
Bleaching works best if you avoid smoking and are careful with what you eat and drink. Foods that stain, such as red wine, coffee and tea can decrease the success of your bleaching.
Temporary Crown
You must avoid eating sticky, hard and chewy candy.
Some sensitivity is normal until the real crown is placed.
If the temporary crown cracks or breaks, please call the office and make an appointment.
If the temporary crown comes out, but is intact, use Fixodent to replace it on your tooth and call our office.
A temporary crown is only a means to keep your tooth safe until the real crown is seated. If you wait too long, your own tooth under the temporary crown may get damaged. Please keep all your appointments and have your permanent crown placed when advised by our office. A delay may result in poor fit and the need to remake the crown, resulting in an additional cost to you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office.
Instructions For Bonding Proper oral hygiene to avoid staining is necessary. Don’t eat or bite into anything hard if the bonding is at the edge of a tooth.
Scaling and Root Planning
Following scaling and root planning, you can expect to notice less redness, less bleeding and less swelling of your gum tissue. Your mouth will taste better and feel better. Your gum health can then be maintained with proper homecare and regular professional care.
Discomfort or pain should not be acute and should subside in a few hours, definitely within a few days. Discomfort immediately after treatment is usually associated with slight throbbing or aching and occasionally may be uncomfortable. This discomfort usually subsides in about 4 hours.
Tooth Sensitivity
Teeth may be sensitive to temperature changes and/or sweets. The sensitivity to temperature may be noticeable the first several days and usually diminishes quickly. Application of a desensitizing fluoride may be recommended.
Some slight bleeding may occur during the next several brushings but the bleeding should steadily decrease.
As the gums heal they may change their shape around teeth. This is normal as they tighten.
To Minimize Symptoms
If extensive root planning was performed, chewing hard foods, such as meat or raw vegetables may be uncomfortable; this should last no longer than a few days. A diet of a softer consistency would be advised until chewing becomes more comfortable.
If a local anesthetic was used avoid chewing foods until the feeling returns to avoid injury to the tongue or cheeks. Acetaminophen or a non-aspirin analgesic should be taken as recommended to reduce discomfort. If tooth sensitivity persists, use a desensitizing toothpaste. If sensitivity is severe and prolonged, professional application of a desensitizing agent may be required.
Oral Hygiene
Brush your teeth gently but thoroughly, using your Rotadent with the medicine provided. Mouth rinsing should follow brushing using the liquid medicine also provided. When the bottle is empty (approx 2 weeks) the rinsing can be discontinued.
Special Instructions
If symptoms are severe or persistent, please call our office immediately.
Avoid clenching your jaw – remind yourself to keep your jaw relaxed during the day.
Do Not: cradle phones or other objects between your ear and shoulder.
Use a headset/earpiece OR hold receiver/cell phone with your hand to ear.
Eat soft foods make sure that you are chewing on both sides of your mouth.
Avoid opening wide to take a bite – Cut food into small pieces when eating.
Ask your roommate/spouse if you are grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep (especially at night). If so, inquire about a day/nightguard.
Avoid wide mouth yawns – when yawning, use your fist to support your lower jaw.
Do not lay on your side – prevent your lower jaw from hanging sideways while you sleep; try to lay on your back with your head slightly elevated.